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Marketing Size Guide

A helpful guide to the various size specs you may come across in your marketing both print and digital.


Marketing Size Guide

A helpful guide to the various size specs you may come across in your marketing both print and digital.

Paper sizes vary the world over and can often be confusing to those that do not work in the industry, therefore we have put together a mini guide to help. So if you are unsure of the difference between an A4 and A6 sheet what a Maltese Cross brochure looks like or the best size for your Facebook header image, read on and all should become clear.

International A Sizes

Paper has been sized using the ISO A reference system since 1975. It starts with A0 and each reference thereafter is exactly half the size of the previous sheet (ie. A0 folded in half provides two sheets of A1). You may be interested to know that AO paper measures exactly 1m2.

Careful! International paper sizes do not always apply in the US, Canada and Mexico so it is important to be aware that they may use an alternative letter system – for example their closest equivalent to A4 is US letter. 

A0841 x 1189mm 33.1 x 46.8inch
A1594 x 841mm 23.4 x 33.1 inch
A2420 x 594mm 16.5 x 23.4 inch
A3297 x 420mm 11.7 x 16.5 inch
A4210 x 297mm 8.3 x 11.7 inch
A5210 x 297mm 5.8 x 8.3 inch
A6105 x 148mm 4.1 x 5.8 inch
A774 x 105mm 2.9 x 4.1 inch
A852 x 74mm 2.0 x 2.9 inch
A Paper Size for Print Design

Paper Weights (GSM)

Not only does paper come in various sizes it also is distinguishable by weight (which translates to thickness). The weight of a paper will dictate its suitability for various applications and it is extremely important to be familiar with these if placing order for print to ensure that your finished brochure isn’t too flimsy or too weighty.

80-100 gsmThin paper
100-120 gsmMedium weight paper
120-160 gsmThick paper
160-200 gsmThin card
200-300 gsmMedium weight card
300+ gsmThick card

Popular Leaflet & Brochure Formats

Double Sided Leaflet Design

Double Sided Leaflets A4/A5

Cost effective, combine with a hard-hitting design for ultimate impact.

4 Page Leaflet Design

4 Page Single Fold Leaflet

Perfect to give a reader a strong initial insight into your business.
6 Page Roll Fold Leaflet Design

6 Page Roll Fold Leaflet

Ideal if you want the leaflet to open to reveal a full page spread.
8 Page Accordion Leaflet Design

8 Page Accordion Fold Leaflet

Maximum copy yet still handy size when folded.
6 Page Z Fold Leaflet Design

6 Page 'Z' Fold Leaflet

Like a roll fold only each leaf is folded in an opposite direction to create a Z effect.
Gatefold Leaflet Design

Gatefold Leaflet

Folded to create two “doors” that open to reveal the interior of the leaflet.
Closed Gatefold Brochure Design

Closed Gatefold Leaflet

A larger version of the original gatefold incorporating additional leaves.
Quarter Fold Leaflet Design

Quarter Fold Leaflet

Ideal if you want a leaflet that folds out to reveal a full poster or map.
A4 Folder Design

Folder with Inserts

An excellent alternative to a corporate brochure.
Maltese Cross Brochure Design

Maltese Cross Brochure

Stand out with style and sophistication, card inserts provide further scope.
210mm Square Brochure Design

Square Brochure

A little bit different and a perfect size for corporate brochure with a twist.
A4 Landscape Brochure Design

A4 Landscape Brochure

A traditional format for a brochure – let the design and finish set you apart.

The Low Down on Sizing for Your Social Media

Social Media management can be time consuming, simply creating posts that are engaging and interesting to your audience can take a lot of time. Job done? Not quite. Once you have decided on what you want to put on social you then need to make sure that each of your posts are formatted to the guidelines of each platform. We have put together this handy guide to give you a helping hand:

Facebook is the largest social network in the world and it is extremely likely that it will appear in your social media strategy in one way or another.

It is important to be aware that Facebook will display the images you upload differently on your timeline to in a user’s feed so make sure that you take this into consideration when sizing your images.
Facebook Profile image size in pixels

Business Profile Image: 180px x 180px

This is the image that represents your company and appears as the thumbnail next to your posts in a user’s feed – it is advisable to use your logo or an image that is easily recognisable as representing your company so that you can easily be searched for and discovered.
Facebook Cover image size in pixels

Header Cover Image: 820px x 312px

This is the image that appears at the top of your business timeline in a banner style. It will provide the first impression to a visitor to your page so should be well thought out and offer a good representation of your service or product offering.
Facebook Shared image size in pixels

Sharing Image: 1200px x 630px

This is an image that appears in your Facebook timeline and your users feed when you create a post. User can like and share and comment on your image so make sure that it is outstanding, on brand, in focus and not pixilated.
Twitter profile pictures in pixels

Company Profile Image: 400px x 400px

Your logo is the best option for this – if your logo appears tiny consider having an icon which represents your logo created for social media use.

Twitter Header Picture in Pixels

Header Cover Image: 1500px x 500px

Make sure the picture you use here is on brand and high quality

Twitter Stream Image Size in pixels

Image Post: 440px x 220px

You can attach images to your tweets – they will appear in your followers stream

Instagram is a social networking app designed for sharing images and video, it is one of the fastest growing networks with over 600 million users. It is ideal for promoting products as it is highly visual.

Make sure that your image is square – an aspect ratio of 1:1 – this is true for all images on Instagram.
Instagram Profile Picture size in Pixels

Profile Image: 110px x 110px

Ensure you use an image that is instantly recognisable and represents your brand – your logo is ideal for this.
Instagram Thumbnail size in pixels

Photo Preview: 161px x 161px

On your page your images will appear in a preview grid which can be clicked to expand. Pay attention when posting to how your preview grid appears as it will give an instant overall impression of your brand.
Instagram image size in pixels

Full Photo: 1080px x 1080px

When you post an image it will appear in your followers feed, they can like, share and comment on the image.

The largest and most popular professional network – the way in which you utilise LinkedIn is different to other platforms, it is a great place to connect with people within your industry and make new business contacts.

Facebook Profile image size in pixels

Company Logo Image: 300px x 300px

This should definitely be your company logo. It will appear next to your company name on your LinkedIn homepage and over your banner image.
Facebook Cover Design Pixel Size

Cover Image: 1536px x 768px

This covers the top area of your business page and should be a representation of what you and your business do. Where possible use professional, authentic images rather than stock photography to provide the best representation.
Facebook Shared image size in pixels

Image Post: 1104px x 736px

When you post an image it will appear in your followers feed, they can like, share and comment on the image.
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